
Stiff+Trevillion Privacy Policy 25 May 2018

STIFF+TREVILLION promises to take great care with your personal data, and we commit to protecting any personal information we obtain about you, whether you are visiting our website as a client or visitor. This Privacy Policy sets out how and why we obtain, use and protect personal information.

1. Who we are

STIFF+TREVILLION is a company limited by guarantee.

2. Our Purpose

STIFF+TREVILLION are an architectural and design studio committed to creating buildings and interiors on behalf of our clients.

3. Why we hold and process personal data.

We hold and process personal data for a number of reasons:

  • To send our clients, friends and supporters marketing information about our projects & activities where we have their consent or are otherwise allowed to
  • To fulfil contractual obligations entered into with clients, suppliers and contractors
  • To ensure we do not send unwanted information to supporters or members of the public who have informed us they do not wish to be contacted.

4. Your Consent and Notices of Changes

If you engage with us including through use of our website, you consent to this Privacy Policy, including our Cookies Policy. If you engage with STIFF+TREVILLION including through our website, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal data under this Privacy Policy (which includes our Cookie Policy and any other documents referenced in this Privacy Policy). We provide you with choices that allow you to opt-out or control how we use and share your data. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time so you may wish to check it each time you submit personal information to STIFF+TREVILLION. The date of the most recent revisions will appear on this page. If you do not agree to these changes, please do not continue to use STIFF+TREVILLION website to submit personal information to STIFF+TREVILLION. If material changes are made to the Privacy Policy we will notify you by placing a prominent notice on the website.

5. Information we collect

You provide data, generally your email address, to us when you attend our events or use our website or work with us as clients, consultants, suppliers or friends. If you communicate through our website newsletter tool, we only gather your email address. If you use our ‘contact’ form, we gather your name, email and telephone number and you can give us your company name and website address if you wish to. We are improving our website and online presence, which means we get new data and create new ways to use data.

Attendance at Events or Involvement in our Projects

We gather information on those who participate in projects or attend our events including your name and e-mail address.

Website Use and Social Media Interaction

We log usage data when you visit or otherwise or engage with our work such as when you view or click on content, or perform a search. We use log-ins, cookies, device information and internet protocol (“IP”) addresses to identify you and log your use.

6. How we Share Information

We never share your information with other third parties except for:

  • S+T Accountants
  • S+T Book Keeper
  • In the recruitment process when using a professional recruitment company
  • We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform.
  • We might occasionally email you with information on behalf of a third party eg. Architects Benevolent Society but we do not share our data with them.

7. Your Choices and Obligations

We keep some of your data even after you end your relationship with us. You can access or delete your personal data. You have many choices about how your data is collected, used and shared.

Rights to Access and Control Your Personal Data

You can access or delete your personal data. You have many choices about how your data is collected, used and shared which we manage through speaking with us.

If you would like more information, or have any questions about this policy, please contact our Data Controller, Hodan Buhari, Studio Manager

To make a formal complaint about STIFF+TREVILLION’s approach to data protection or raise privacy concerns directly with our data protection team, please contact: Hodan Buhari, Studio Manager

You also have the right to make a complaint direct to the UK's data protection authority, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at: Concerns can be also be logged via the ICO website. Stiff+Trevillion are not required to be registered with ICO

8. Other Important Information

  • We monitor for, and try to prevent, security breaches.
  • We are not responsible for the content of third parties including any personal data contained.

Direct Marketing

We currently do not share personal data with third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

9. Email Disclaimer

The information in any e-mail (and/or document attached) sent by or on behalf of STIFF+TREVILLION is confidential and may be legally privileged and/or contain copyright material of STIFF+TREVILLION. This information is intended solely for the use of the named addressee. If you are not the named addressee of an email from STIFF+TREVILLION, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose, copy or distribute the contents to any other person. Any contractual representations contained therein on behalf of STIFF+TREVILLION must not be taken as final, and are entirely subject to contracts signed formally by an authorised representative of this organisation. Whilst STIFF+TREVILLION takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that e-mails from the Society are virus free, no responsibility will be taken for viruses transmitted from its systems.